Jazlyne Sabree
Jazlyne Sabree
Personal Profile

Jazlyne Sabree (b. 1990, Willingboro, NJ) is an interdisciplinary artist working in New Jersey and Philadelphia. Currently she creates life-size abstract figurative mixed media collages that spark conversations around both the beauty and endangerment of the people of the African diaspora that is rooted in skin and they way skin is valued in our global society. The work surfaces issues around the animalistic way that African diasporic people are targeted and hunted similar to the way our animals that were used as spiritual guides are hunted for their own beautiful skin.
Jazlyne Sabree graduated from Clark Atlanta University with a BA in Art in Atlanta, GA in conjunction with study abroad education at Lorenzo de Medici School of Art in Florence, Italy. She then graduated from Boston University with her MA in Art Education. After 5 years of teaching in inner city schools she returned to Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art (PAFA) as a candidate for her MA in Fine Art.